Ikigai: The Japanese Formula For Happiness

Who doesn’t want to be happy? But more often than not, happiness is not that easy to find. What with all the constant stress and unrealistic deadlines, achieving happiness is easier said than done. Which is why the world has resorted to alternate methods of living to chase that ever-elusive state of happiness. But did you know that happiness has as much to do with physical well-being as with mental well-being? While there are a number of alternative approaches like the Japanese water therapy to ensure sound body, did you know that Japan has the key for sound mental health as well? Yes, the answer lies in Ikigai, which is a Japanese approach to lead a fulfilled life. So read on to find out more about this Japanese concept of happy living!

What Is Ikigai?

When translated, ikigai stands for, “the thing you live for”, or to put it more elaborately, “the reason that makes you get up in the morning”. Ikigai is based on the idea that eternal happiness is not just limited to monetary gains or fulfillment of ambition, but instead it is a culmination of four factors:
  • What one loves
  • What one cares about
  • What the world needs
  • What one can get paid for
If you’ve successfully answered all the above questions with just one word, then you’ve found your ikigai. Sounds simple, right?

How Is Ikigai Different From Following Your Passion?

Before you go ahead and think that ikigai is yet another fancy name for following one’s passion, let us chalk out a qualities that makes it different from the pop-culture supplied idea of pursuit of passion!


Ikigai is not just about the next flashy thing that catches your fancy. Because it involves so many interesectioning parameters, arriving at your ikigai is difficult, but ultimately leads to your growth and mastery.

Your Choice

Unlike other lifestyle choices, ikigai gives you a sense of freedom since you have autonomy while pursuing it.

Demands Commitment

Once you’ve arrived on your ikigai, then it demands your entire commitment to your skill, cause, and trade.

Improves Well-Being

Since ikigai promotes you to have a positive relationship with others and yourself, it significantly improves your overall well-being.

Finding your ikigai is tough, but once you identify it, then its worth all the trouble. So go ahead and get into some Japanese soul-searching!


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