5 Simple Techniques To Throw An Awesome House Party

We all relate to the dozens of house party invites every week, most of them end up descending into a house with greasy chips, meaningless banter and getting kicked out within 2 hours of arrival because you get too drunk. What if we say that you can do better. Follow these easy techniques to have the ultimate house party with the best music, an epic guest list and hour long of indulgent fun. 

Invite Your Neighbors

Extend invitations of your house party to your close friends and addicted neighbors - whether it’s an old lady who has four too many pets or a beautiful lady who lives across the street. Ask them to join your little shindig and play your part as an engaging neighbour. 

Lie Them About The Start Time

House parties work on “word-of-mouth”. You don’t actually make a Facebook event or send out flyers, just ask some good friends to tag some of their best friends. You know some of them will be punctual enough to show up at the exact time while others will stroll through before they have hit 3 other parties and stay until the sun comes up. You can ensure a steady flow of people by giving different start time to different people. Tell your time conscious friends to land here by 9 p.m. while the tardy ones should be told that the party starts at 8 p.m., so they make it by 10 p.m.

Lock Your Roommates' Doors

If you don’t want to be bombarded with laundering your roommate’s carpets and sheets, then make sure that you lock their doors. With all the booze doing the rounds, there’s no way that you can track each and every guest at your party. There’s no way you can assure that your guests won’t turn your roommate’s room a ramping shop. 

Have a Good Playlist

Play some Bollywood remix songs or drop your next mixtape! What about some classics? Give the people some upbeat songs that they are familiar with so that they twerk on your anthems. 

Make Sure The Food And Drink Selection Is On Point

People love good food and drinks are always appreciated and there’s always a poser wine connoisseur and a picky eater in the group. So summon them to take care of this section!


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