
Showing posts from November, 2019

Healthy life, happy life!

Your vital organs may be working well today, but what if they don’t work well tomorrow. Good health is not just about a healthy diet or excessive exercise or sweating yourself in the gym for hours. It’s more about having a positive self-image and leading a healthy lifestyle. Here are 4 tips to lead a healthier life 1. Stay Hydrated Water water everywhere so drinks it, please! You fail to realize how important it is to drink enough water every day. It comes with so many benefits such as to carry out body functions, carry nutrients and remove waste. Although it is equally important to replenish water intake since you lose water through urine, perspiration, and breathing. Make a pact with yourself to drink about 8-10 glasses every day and the result will do wonders to your body. 2. Get enough sleep Early to bed, Early to rise, makes you healthy wealthy and wise. Not sure about wealthy and wise but it sure does makes you healthy.  Avoid stimulants such as caffeine an

How to Build a Body Care Routine

We all take care of our facial skincare routine, it’s time to shift our attention to the body. As there is a lot of surfaces to cover and it can be hard to find the time to take care of your body. Here we are breaking down a few different ways to take care of the skin on your body. Cleansers and body wash First things first, it’s important to keep the body clean! A body wash is an easy product to just grab from the store. It is best to find items that help to resolve skin issues. There are many different types of bath and body products , you have anti-acne,  exfoliating and hydrating ones which is great for tackling skin issues. Exfoliator Exfoliating is beneficial for a lot of reasons. Exfoliation helps to get rid of dead skin, free ingrown hair and keeps your skin super soft. There are a couple of different ways to exfoliate. You can either use a body scrub or you can use a scrubbing tool. Body scrubs will help to exfoliate and moisturize the body. You ca

How To Maintain A Healthy Vagina

Vaginal health is an important part of a woman’s overall health, maintaining a healthy vagina is a the necessity for your: Mental health well-being  Fertility  Hygiene  The desire for sexual contact What do you mean by a ‘healthy vagina’?  A female vagina has a tendency of keeping itself clean. Whereas a healthy vagina is a compilation of cleanliness, a balanced diet, positive sexual contact, immunity and most importantly oral hygiene.  Tips to keep it healthy down there:  Be sexually responsible, use condoms and be considerate of your partner’s hygiene/ sexual well being.  Wear cotton undies and let your vagina BREATHE.  Avoid scented/perfumed soaps; they do not belong anywhere near your genitals.  Limit your consumption of alcohol and tobacco (or maybe just quit it for our mother earth if not down there!). Vaginal wash more than once a day when you are on your period can be very helpful.  Choose bikini w