Healthy life, happy life!

Your vital organs may be working well today, but what if they don’t work well tomorrow. Good health
is not just about a healthy diet or excessive exercise or sweating yourself in the gym for hours.
It’s more about having a positive self-image and leading a healthy lifestyle. Here are 4 tips to lead
a healthier life

1. Stay Hydrated

Water water everywhere so drinks it, please! You fail to realize how important it is to drink enough
water every day. It comes with so many benefits such as to carry out body functions, carry nutrients
and remove waste. Although it is equally important to replenish water intake since you lose water
through urine, perspiration, and breathing. Make a pact with yourself to drink about 8-10 glasses
every day and the result will do wonders to your body.

2. Get enough sleep

Early to bed, Early to rise, makes you healthy wealthy and wise. Not sure about wealthy and wise
but it sure does makes you healthy.  Avoid stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine when you’re
going to bed. While alcohol is said to help you fall asleep easily, too much of it close to bedtime
can also disrupt sleep. When you don’t sleep well, you compensate by eating more. Generally,
it’s junk food. Try getting enough sleep so you won’t be needing snacks to stay awake. Also, lack
of sleep causes premature aging and who wants that? Skincare products might make it a little
bearable but not completely(even if you use the best skincare products). So, the bottom line is
ultimately proper sleep is the solution to all your problems.

3. Pick fun exercises

Don’t look exercise as suffering or something to push yourself in. Instead, make it fun and you’ll
eventually start feeling healthy. When you enjoy something, you naturally want to do it, right?
Treat exercise the same way. If you want to make it interesting, add some variations from time
to time. This way, you’ll never feel that exercise is boring or it’s not for you.

4. Cut down on processed food

Including processed food in your daily diet is the worst possible thing you can opt for. Most of the
nutritional value is lost while making these food items and added preservatives make it even
worse. Go for less processed food like baked potato over chips, intact grains over white bread
and fresh fruits over canned fruits. 


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