5 Magical Benefits of Rosemary Essential Oil

In addition to being an aromatic herb, rosemary is a powerful essential oil whose uses just seems to keep increasing with scientific studies. This Mediterranean oil work as a traditional medicine to
soothe digestion, improve memory, boost immunity, relieve pains and has some amazing anti-cancer effects. Read on to find out some of the top ways in which rosemary oil benefits your

Boosts Hair Growth

If you suffer from a common form of hair loss problem, alopecia, rosemary oil might help. It works as
hair loss therapy and promotes thicker hair growth by treating dandruff and inhibiting
dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which attacks hair follicles that leads to permanent hair loss.
Just massage a few drops of warm rosemary oil on your scalp, leave it overnight and wash
it with lukewarm water, the next morning.

Improves Memory

Rosemary oil produces a significant improvement in the overall quality of memory due to its calming
effects. It helps people to become more alert and also help to treat and prevent Alzheimer in some
cases, with no side effects.

Relieves Indigestion

Rosemary oil benefits the stomach by treating problems of indigestion, bloating, constipation, stomach
cramps and also relieves flatulence. It works by detoxifying the liver and facilitating a  smooth bile
flow which enhances the process of digestion. You might have noticed, that rosemary leaves are
specially added to lamb, pork and beef delicacies to aid in the digestion of large proteins that are
found in meat.

Lowers Cortisol

Scientific studies prove that rosemary essential oil reduce cortisol levels and enhance free radical
scavenging properties which protect the body from catching chronic diseases. It affects your salivary
cortisol level by controlling oxidative stress.


Rosemary essential oil has now been tested and proven to be a rich antioxidant for its anti-cancer
and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s a rich source of carnosol which has been evaluated for its
anti-cancer traits in breast, prostate, skin, colon cancer. It fights the selective toxicity of cancer cells
without damaging the neighboring cells.


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