5 Reasons You Should Study Economic Honours

High school is a crucial time of your life, especially when you’re deciding which course you should go for in your graduation. Not only does it impact your career and how it will be shaped in the future, but it also decides the things college would open up for you. For a lot of people, it makes all the difference in what they do in their careers. While there’s a lot of options for young students to choose from, we’re going to be specifically discussing economic honours in this course. Not only does it give you the leverage you need, but it also opens you to a plethora of career paths. If you need some more prodding, then here are 5 reasons why you should choose to study economic honours
Great Salary Advantage

The great thing about economic honours is that it offers professionals a great advantage when it comes to salary and remuneration. Economic graduates can earn up to as much as 6 to 8 lakhs per year, which is a pretty great package when it comes to freshers!
Free From Recession

Unlike other jobs like IT and management, it is unlikely that those in the field of economics would bear the brunt of a sudden recession. Why? Because there would always be a need of professionals who can work their way around the mysterious lanes of economics!
Great Post Graduate Options

If you believe you would want to get a postgraduate degree after your undergrad, then economic honours would also open up to you a variety of interesting course options. Check out any university’s programmes page and you would get to know that economic students are eligible to apply to a variety of postgraduate disciplines!
Economics Is All Around Us

Just like the air we breathe, economics impacts almost everything around us. From inventory management to running a company, there is nothing that doesn’t require a professional in economic services. So there are a lot of career options for you to experiment with

All said and done, if you’ve decided to go with economic honours, there is no dearth of options for you to experiment with. So go ahead and get that degree!


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