Beauty Tips To Help You Glow This Summer

Come summer and we are all plagued with sweaty skin and all sorts of skin problems. But we
believe that looking your fabulous best should not be dependent on the kind of weather around
you. So we’ve brought to you some amazing beauty tips right out of Vasudha Rai Glow Book that
would ensure that you look your fabulous best this summer!

Steam Therapy

Indulging yourself in steam therapy every once in a while is not just great for your sinus passages,
but for your skin as well! So if you want that ever-lasting glow, then steaming is probably your best
option. How? Well, it opens up your clogged pores and allows your skin to get rid of dirt from
underneath, thus leaving it feeling ultra clean and squeaky fresh! The best part is that it is effective
on any skin type, and leaves your skin feeling clearer and softer.


Many of us are in the habit of directly skipping to moisturizing after cleaning our face. However,
you forget one crucial step, that is toning. Not only does toning your face help you to maintain
the natural pH of the skin, but it also goes a long way in eliminating a whole deal of harmful dirt
particles from your cells. What’s more, you can also use this process to remove any leftover
makeup for your face.

Orange Skin Is The Best!

Did you know that the dose of citrus you love so dearly can also become an agent of getting that
beautiful, glowing skin? Simply peel off some oranges and dry the skin by keeping them under
the sun for a couple of days. Grind the peels into a fine powder and store it into a glass container.
Now when you have some extra time on your hands, simply mix the fine powder in yogurt and
make a smooth mask out of it. Put it on your face and then let it dry. Rinse off with cold water and
pat dry.

So now that you know all about our favorite summer remedies for glowing skin, go ahead and
pamper your skin and make it glow!


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