Causes Of Loss Of Appetite That You Need To Know About!

Eating is the most satisfying thing and when it comes to hunger packs, they just call for some yum
food to fulfill the desire. But have you ever seen people who lose their desire to eat food? Yes, when
people suffer the loss of appetite, they tend to feel full even without eating anything, stomach pain,
always tired and swollen ankles. All such common symptoms can be noticed in a person who has
lost his appetite.

What Causes Loss Of Appetite?

We all know losing appetite is not a common thing and should be taken care of seriously. But have
you thought why to take it seriously? Well because of all the cause we are going to mention below.
Here have a look at the article to know the details!

  1. Reaction to certain antibiotics

Loss of appetite is sometimes caused due to the reaction of certain antibiotics that you take
to cure migraines, high blood pressure, treat depression, cold, flu etc. These antibiotics can
also happen due to over intake of medicines.

  1. Sedentary lifestyle

When we lead a lifestyle where we don’t even move and just lay in the bed, all tired, every
day. When you don’t do any kind of activity and lead poor lifestyle, it increases your weight
and leptin levels which may make you stop feeling hungry.

  1. Depression, anxiety (panic attacks), grief or stress

Believe it, depression and anxiety are one common causes of loss of appetite. Being sad,
panic and depressed can be dangerous for your mental and physical health. The chemicals
including adrenaline get released in the brain which makes the heart beat faster and slows
down the digestion.

  1. Medical Conditions

Various medical conditions can also be the reason for the loss of appetite. These medical
conditions can include liver diseases, kidney failure, hormonal changes, diabetes, migraine,
etc. Which makes it important to take good care of your physical health.

  1. Eating disorders (anorexia nervosa or bulimia)

Eating disorder is the life-threatening illness that makes people starve themselves
intentionally or binge eat. And when you don’t eat on purpose for a long time, it can cause
to loss of appetite. It can also make you vomit or laxatives.

So, these were some of the cause of loss of appetite that you must know about because losing
the desire to eat anything is nor a normal feeling and should be taken care of seriously. Hope
you like this article and found it informative.


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