3 Things Men Ought To Know About Periods!

Women will roll their eyes when they read this, but we’re amazed at how many guys don’t actually know what menstruation entails. Every man knows that it is a monthly thing but then when you earwig and hear such things from women as to how to delay period for wedding, menstrual cups, tampons, etc. it might get confusing. So here are three basic things which all husbands must know about periods.

1. It’s more than just blood.  
To sum up, everything here is the thing: Every month, her endometrium, or the lining of her uterus, sheds. During the course of her menstrual cycle, this lining plumps up to prepare to nourish a fertilized egg. 
If that doesn’t occur which means she doesn’t get pregnant, her body doesn’t need that extra tissue. It then gets released during her period, which generally lasts between 2 to 7 days. 

2. Timing sex can boost your odds of a baby. 
A quick refresher in biology: In order to become pregnant, a woman’s egg must meet your sperm. That can only happen during ovulation when the egg breaks free from her ovaries. Exactly when a woman ovulates depends on the length of her cycle or the number of days between periods. If she has an average 28-day cycle, she’ll usually ovulate around day 14. (Women can use over-the-counter ovulation tests to help them determine when it’s happening.) So if she ovulates on day 14, she can still get pregnant from sex on day 11 or day 16. 

3. She can get pregnant during her period.
Ever hear that it’s safe to have unprotected sex while she’s bleeding? A woman with a short cycle, for instance, could end up ovulating shortly after she stops bleeding. So if you have sex on the last day of her period, it’s possible your sperm could stick around long enough until her egg is released. Which, of course, could lead to pregnancy. 
Plus, if her cycles are irregular, she may confuse the start of her period with the light spotting that can occur during ovulation. And if you have unprotected sex during that window, well, that's prime baby-making time. 

Bottom line: If you don’t want to plan a kid right now, use some form of birth control every time you have sex, whether she’s on her period or not.

Hope now you know more about periods than you knew earlier!


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