How to Use Castor Oil for Maximum Benefits

Castor oil is gaining momentum lately among the commoners and only for the right reasons.
The oil which is extracted out of castor beans has not one, but many health benefits. The most
recommended go-to home remedy heals wounds, beautifies skin, helps in hair-growth and
combined with other natural ingredients, works magic.

Not only this, castor oil has anti-bacterial properties and various medicinal benefits. Some of
the common benefits of castor oil are given below.

Castor Oil for Hair and Skin
Castor oil is highly beneficial for hair and skin treatments. It not only helps in hair growth but
also deals with skin problems such as acne, wrinkles, etc. effectively. Castor oil can be used in
the following ways:

1. Cures Acne
Applying oil onto the skin might seem an odd idea, but do not refrain from it. FYI, Castor oil
works wonder on your skin. Fatty acids in this oil help in restoring skin’s natural moisture
balance. Thus clears acne of the skin if massaged on to the affected areas overnight.

2. Treats Wrinkles
These days, girls and women alike want to treat wrinkles without shedding much out of their
pocket, thus castor oil comes into play. The oil penetrates into skin to boost collagen, this helps
in soothing and hydrating skin.

3. Soothes Dry Skin
Winters are harsh on skin and hair. Castor oil has natural properties to hydrate skin and works
as a natural moisturizer. For scaly underfoot, apply it once a week. Castor oil is also beneficial for
those who suffer from a skin disease called Atopic Dermatitis.

4. Healthy and Shiny Hair
Talking about hair, most of the hair products have castor as the common ingredient. The oil not
only stimulates hair growth but enriches scalp and increases blood circulation with ricinoleic acid
and omega 6-fatty acids naturally.

5. Hair fall Prevention
Mixed with methi seeds powder, castor oil mask is applied onto the scalp weekly shows effective
results. The mask helps make roots stronger, resultantly lessening the hair fall.

Medicinal Properties in Castor Oil
The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties in castor oil promote medicinal benefits as well.
Some other benefits of this oil are:

1. Heals Wound

Castor Oil works as an agent to heal wounds in various medicines. It stimulates tissue growth to
form a barrier between wound and environment. This, therefore, decreases the risk of infection.

2. Anti-inflammatory elements
Ricinoleic acid in castor oil has anti-inflammatory properties. If applied topically, it reduces
inflammation and relieves pain.

3. Fungus
Castor oil helps fight various fungal infections. Issues like plaque overgrowth, gum infections,and root canal infections can be cured using castor oil.


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